Service | Growth | Friendship
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."
– Elizabeth Andrew
Craft Show
Some of the most common questions our volunteer craft show team receives.
If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to us at
We’re happy to help!
Where do I mail my information?
​STMA Women of Today
PO Box 135
St. Michael, MN 55376
When is the Craft Show?
Always the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving
2025 = 11/22/2025
2026 = 11/21/2026
Can I email you my registration?
​To secure a booth, all applications MUST include:
Full Payment
Photos of your items
ST-19 form
Completed Application Form
Do you have a Spring Craft Show?
At this time we do not offer a Spring Craft Show​
When does the show start?
Doors open to shoppers at 9:00 am
Who do I contact for the Craft Show?
Email us at
Can we set up on Friday night?
Set up starts at 5:00am the morning of the show
What are the booth sizes?
8’ Deep by 10’ Wide for most areas
9’ wide by 9’ deep for our Lobby Booths
Booths with Extended sizes are scattered throughout the show and range in size due to location
What happens if I need to cancel?
Cancellations on or before September 15th, year of the Craft Show will receive a full refund.
Cancellations after September 15th, year of the Craft Show, are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
When does the show End?
Show closes at 4:00 pm and teardown begins
Must be out of the facility no later than 5:30pm
Please plan accordingly and have helpers if you need them
Where do I find information on the show?
Here on our site
You can find us on Facebook