Service | Growth | Friendship
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."
– Elizabeth Andrew
Minnesota Women of Today Mission Statement
The mission of the Minnesota Women of Today is to help women improve their own lives and the lives of people in the communities around them. The organization shall provide opportunities for members:
A. To contribute to their communities by raising funds for worthy causes and by providing services or education to benefit community members.
B. To develop and to foster skills and talents related to becoming successful individuals, interacting well with other people and becoming capable leaders.
C. To develop friendships and to find personal support within the organization.
Wearing Green to Support Mental Health Awareness (May 2023)

Who are we?
We are the St. Michael - Albertville (STMA) Women of Today charted in March in 1984. The chapter is part of the Minnesota Women of Today and United States Women of Today organizations. Our focus is community service, personal growth, and building friendships.
Our chapter meets the second Tuesday of the each month at 7pm (6:30pm is social time) at the Liberty Restaurant in St Michael.
We do not have any political or religious affiliations.